New ZG Worldwide Flip Book

Posted On 03/27/2023 By admin

ZG Worldwide, headquartered in Springfield, IL, USA, offers a broad range of local associates across Central Illinois and remote providers in other U.S. states as well as other countries. We are a multi-specialty group of consultants and subject matter experts, a one-stop resource with IT, business, healthcare and marketing solutions.

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Our business model is somewhat similar to those of the huge multinational management consulting firms you find in Chicago and other major cities. Such firms have many capabilities, serve a variety of industries but focus on large projects. Unlike them we welcome smaller projects from small to midsize companies and you don’t have to deal with a large bureaucracy.

You can view our new digital flip book at book, which gives an expertise summary for each associate in our network. Jacqui Cooper, J.D. created our flip book and can create one for you.

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