Why Executive Coaches Don’t Give Advice by Monique Daigneault

Posted On 03/09/2023 By admin

An Executive Coach has a process instead of opinions and an agenda and they are absolutely unbiased and non-judgmental. They are able to offer guidance and resources that help their clients implement solutions so they may move closer to living their best lives. In this way, Executive Coaches are not invested in any outcome or decision their clients make. If Executive Coaches were to give advice, they could be viewed more as a friend or family member than a professional. And we all know that kind of “help” is not always useful.


Collaboration is about establishing operational frameworks that can boost output and employee engagement, and enhancing communication. Being a part of a cooperative group with common objectives can improve morale and promote personal development.

Clients are seen by an Executive Coach as the authorities in their own lives and businesses. Coaching involves assisting people or groups in setting and achieving their own goals. A Coach can help a client find their own solutions rather than giving them instructions. They partner with their clients in a stimulating and innovative approach that motivates them to realize their full potential on both a personal and professional level. Individuals often eventually learn how to use the coaching approaches they’ve practiced to establish their own path and identify their own talents, abilities, and blind spots after coaching sessions have been completed. This type of collaboration is empowering for the person being coached.


Since an Executive Coach is client-focused, they will often begin the coaching process by defining where their clients are currently and asking them where they want to go. Using the present to enhance the future, Coaches will incorporate structure into their coaching sessions to help their clients find what works best for them.

Coaches are taught to attentively listen to their clients’ aims and ambitions without attaching any value to the outcome. Coaching frequently reveals previously undiscovered sources of creativity, productivity, and leadership. This methodology is more organic than linear and there is no predetermined agenda or obvious direction.


The actual value of a coach is in assisting people in drawing on their own knowledge and wisdom as they proceed, even when the Coach may have valuable experience and insight in the client’s sector. A great coach will ask their clients to accept that they are the experts in their own journeys, with you helping to guide them along the way. In fact, being a great coach does not require you to be an expert in other people’s lives.

This impartial viewpoint is crucial for a coaching partnership. An Executive Coach can establish a safe environment that encourages cooperation, curiosity, and creative problem solving by entering the situation unattached to any particular agenda or result.


Once you’ve decided whether you need an Executive Coach, you should research which Coach’s methodology might work best for you and what you want to achieve. If you would like to learn more about MD Consulting’s coaching services, contact us to schedule a Breakthrough Session so we can determine how we can help you achieve your goals.

Author: Monique Daigneault, who is a ZG Worldwide Consultant and is available for engagements. Contact: Lothar@ZGworldwide.com for more info.

Original blog source: https://mdconsultingglobal.com/why-executive-coaches-dont-give-advice/