Venture Capital Opportunity – Medical Technology Industry

Posted On 12/22/2016 By admin


China is rapidly developing its high technology manufacturing capabilities to supply fast growing

domestic and global export markets. Medical technology is a major element of this.

ZG Worldwide Consultants has been working with a group of Chinese investors that has been seeking

advanced medical technology from the U.S., either in a joint venture or company acquisition. They are

are looking for early stage to well-established companies (up to $50 million in annual sales).

ZG Worldwide Associate Quinn Place, CPA, originally from China and now in northern Illinois, has been

assisting this group and has presented them with some devices that are being evaluated. She, along

with a large Chinese distributor, also wants to work with U.S. pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical

excipient firms seeking to expand their distribution channels to China. These contacts have API

(Active Pharmaceutic ingredients), some with FDA approval, they want to sell in the U.S. and other


Those with medical devices and pharmaceuticals who seek venture capital are welcome to make the

initial contact with ZG Worldwide Consultants at These inquiries will be

evaluated and sent to the appropriate investors.