Motivational Drivers – by Ellen Hite

Posted On 08/24/2019 By admin

What do we want as business leaders? What makes leading a business important? Is it the experience or the challenge? Is it the reward of knowing someone was helped? Is it standing out in front of a crowd to satisfy our ego or plump up our bank account? Perhaps it is ALL of those. This awareness leads us to motivation.

What truly motivates us to lead? If you asked yourself that question every day (or do you on those stressful days?) how do you answer yourself? Motivation is a Value Created which becomes a Value Added and then sustains you in a Value Realized.

This new ‘value identity’ in leadership serves you well when you know your motivations are cohesive, healthy, and intentional. The ROI of being strategic is about knowing who you are and what drives you to be YOU.

How will you know you are being a leader? Strategic? Appreciated? Making a difference? How will you know when this new identity convergence is guiding you to lead for purpose or pompous? Will it make a difference next year? in 5 years? or a lifetime?

What is the legacy you are building and will be remembered for?


Insider Coaching and Consulting, LLC is a business organization that works with local and global business leaders who desire leadership training, are in transition or who are making decisions for growth and change.
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Contact Ellen Hite, CBSC for a neuroscience communication platform on learning, leading and listening. 
Ellen Hite: 217-201-2301
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